We stand in the year of our Lord 2024, in the age of modernisation and electric cars, but still, some Nigerians insist on drawing us back with archaic gender arguments every three market days.
Can we petition to leave these arguments in 2024?
“Should the man help the woman with household chores?”
I’m not exactly sure how keeping the house you also live in clean constitutes “helping.” Sweeping and washing isn’t a gendered role, people.
“If the husband craves pounded yam at 8 p.m. What should the wife do?”
Did the government ban restaurants? They exist to satisfy cravings, so by all means, patronise them. Let’s resist the urge to see women as permanent fixtures in the kitchen.
“Who should earn more in the relationship?”
Anyone can. No constitution says the man should make more money. In fact, when women have money, they’re more likely to spend it on family, loved ones and community.
“Female bosses are wicked”
That’s like saying you don’t want to see a woman in power because your distant relative’s long-lost neighbour once had a wicked boss who happened to be female. Let that stereotype go, please.
“Women are emotional. Men are logical.”
People often use this argument to try to deny women access to equal opportunities or make them feel unreasonable in an argument. Men are emotional too, and the “logic” part isn’t missing in women’s brains, dears.
“Educated women are too proud”

Wouldn’t you be proud of yourself if you overcame societal barriers to gain access to education and financial resources and earned the means to make better decisions for yourself and your family?
Anyway, there are more important things to discuss. Join the #HerMoneyHerPower campaign with BellaNaija and The She Tank to champion important conversations about women’s economic power in Nigeria.
Follow @bellanaija and @theshetank on all platforms for more information.